Wednesday, April 18, 2012

200 Miles! Week#7

Just noticed I hit 200 miles for the year!  I'm pretty excited with that and happy to be running again!  I had my massage on Monday and it confirmed to me that my Hammie is not torn or injured, it just needs to be stretched more.

Week#7 Plan (I think it is week 7, it is pretty early in the am and the coffee is still going down)
Tuesday (Yesterday) - 40 Minutes Harder Pace, Done (4.07 miles, 9:49)
Wednesday - 20 Minutes
Thursday - 40 Minutes Easy Pace
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Going to try for 10 miles as I'm scheduled to do the Let's Move Half Marathon and Relay with Rick in one week!

Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, is that hard/easy???? LOL, glad your Hammie is better.
