Monday, April 2, 2012

Week#4 Recap and Week#5 Plan

Well, my left hamstring was still feeling funky so I decided I needed some time off this past week. 

Week#4 summary
Sunday - 2 miles & personal trainer appt. - Done, 2 miles, 9:14 min/mile
Monday - Rest, yes, rest I did!
Tuesday - 5 miles, Done, 10:11 min/mile
Wednesday - 2 miles - Nope, wanted to rest and actually got hung up at skateboard shop for an hour and a half, lol
Thursday - 4 miles - Nope, wanted to rest and crazy afternoon with tons of appointments.
Friday - rest, rest away!
Saturday - 8 miles - Done, 10:20 and you can read it here Awesome Saturday 8am 8 Miler

I had an awesome day yesterday.  Worked my butt off cleaning and organizing the house, long boarded with the kids, had a BBQ with my parents and relaxed after.  I burned 2,800 calories according to my BodyMedia - WOW, I usually only do that when I run long distances.  I was really moving!

Had an awesome time long boarding with the kids while they skateboarded.  Pea was getting really frustrated though, so I put her on my long board and pushed her along while I taught her how to balance so she can understand how to turn.  After my quick lesson, she did much better and started having fun.

Looking back, I need to start taking a lot more pictures for the blog.  That will be my goal this week ;)

Looking ahead, my left hammie is still bothering me but going to the Chiro tonight after work and hoping that will help.  So, here is the plan:

Week#5 Plan:
Sunday - Clean
Monday - 2 Miles
Tuesday - 4 miles
Wednesday - 2 miles
Thursday - 4 miles
Friday - rest
Saturday - 9 miles

Have a great week everyone, set your goals!  Is there anything else I can do different to make this blog more interesting?

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