Monday, July 16, 2012

Allergic Mama is no more

Allergic Mama is no more, please follow me at

Just sick of the allergy title and affiliation, would rather focus on the positive and my running and life!  I would get depressed every now and then with the Allergic Mama blog because, well, it just seems negative.  So away with it and onto the positive focus!
Thanks for understanding.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Getting there...

I had a good week as far as my Hamstring issue - assuming it is my Sciatic nerve so I'm doing some stretches and my awesome Chiro is changing how she adjusts me and things are looking up.  Just did 6 miles pretty much pain free in 1:02.

Also, got some decent running in this past week too!
Sunday - 5.11 Miles in 53 minutes - major pain in lower back area around mile 3.5, but felt like something released.  Walked and slowly ran a bit and threw the towel in and called for a ride home.  Once I got home, pain went away!
Monday - Rest, slight pain
Tuesday - 2 Miles, 20 minutes - mild Pain
Wednesday - 4 Miles, 42 minutes, pretty much pain free
Thursday - I Mile on Tmill, 10 minutes pain free
Friday - Rest
Saturday (Today) - 6 Miles, 1:02 mild pain

We were supposed to do Let's Move today but due to a ton of other conflicting things, we decided it would be less stress on all involved if we just skipped it.  I hate to skip on races, but perhaps I need to learn my lesson and not sign up for the local ones that do not sell out quite so soon.  Plus, with my nerve issue, I really need to get better before next month.  So, taking it easy was the top priority after a stressful week.

My allergies also have really been throwing me for a loop this week too.  I thought I was having an allergic reaction to wheat, but it turns out that perhaps the wheat is causing intolerance to quite a few foods I am "allergic too."  Now, I am still anaphalyic to nuts and corn, but I was given the green light to start adding level 2 foods back into my diet, one each week.  I am excited and confused at the same time.  All I have ever wanted to do this year is to be able to eat veggies!  Looks like I may be able to do that but might need to cut out wheat to make it happen.  So, lots of trial and errors, as from what I learned from a top allergy expert, that is the only true test.

What is on the books for this week you ask?  Hopefully I can have a repeat of last week and keep the pain down, we will see.  Lots of foam rolling and stretching for sure.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bummed Out

Been kinda bummed out lately over my Sciatic nerve issue.  Did 5 miles on Sunday and seemed to have worked itself out only to come back Monday night.  Going to try and run tonight to see how I do.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

200 Miles! Week#7

Just noticed I hit 200 miles for the year!  I'm pretty excited with that and happy to be running again!  I had my massage on Monday and it confirmed to me that my Hammie is not torn or injured, it just needs to be stretched more.

Week#7 Plan (I think it is week 7, it is pretty early in the am and the coffee is still going down)
Tuesday (Yesterday) - 40 Minutes Harder Pace, Done (4.07 miles, 9:49)
Wednesday - 20 Minutes
Thursday - 40 Minutes Easy Pace
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Going to try for 10 miles as I'm scheduled to do the Let's Move Half Marathon and Relay with Rick in one week!

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2012 Martian 5k and Kids Marathon Recap

Friday night, after returning from the Expo, I was busy with the usual pre-race preparations.  Getting every one's clothes ready in their own piles for the morning - socks, undies, shorts, top, sweat pants and jacket.  Making a bag of all "extras" that might be needed: rain ponchos, umbrellas, gloves, sun visors, etc.  This bag is usually pretty standard and I keep it full, but still like to check it the night before to ensure all is there.  I also prepare the food for the cooler so at 5 am, it can just be put in there with an ice pack and away we go.  I made sunflower butter sammies for Hubby and Kids, packed some organic grapes, sunflower seeds, homemade muffins, organic yogurt for me, water and some gram crackers.  Anything that could be put in the truck also was.

At 5:30 am, my iPhone promptly went off at the same time as Pea's lego alarm.  Hubby and I got a good chuckle, we did not know she set it the night before!  So cute, she wanted her medal and didn't want to be late to the party!  After getting dressed and a quick breakfast of oats and yogurt with honey and cinnamon for me, oats and honey for hubby and organic cereal and milk for the kids we were off!

We drove the new "Mama Mobile" down to Dearborn with the view of lightning in the distance and some rain off and on.  I thought I knew where I was going, I assumed we needed to get off Michigan Ave and head East, past the expo center.  We did this for a while, even stopped at a McDonalds for a potty break and headed east again. Pretty soon, it was evident the Mama Mobile was pointed in the wrong direction as it did not look very good.  We turned around and headed the right way, just as Hubby exclaimed I didn't think that was right.  Well, for someone who layed tons of concrete in the City of Dearborn as well as Detroit along Michigan Ave, perhaps speaking up sooner might have helped ;)  All was well though.

We headed back West now and found ourselves in some light traffic with police and barricades, this was the good thing.  Bad thing was it was 7:40am and both the 5K and 10K started at 8.  Miss Time Keeper in the back was getting antsy as we looked for parking.  We found a lot close to the starting area, but all sorts of signs were posted about towing, etc...  Well, we parked and reasoned, hoped and prayed that no tow trucks would be lurking around the new Mama Mobile for at least an hour so kiddies and Mama could run the 5K then come back and find a "legal" parking spot.

We got out, made sure all the bibs were in the right spots and headed to the start.  There was a light sprinkle, but nothing that needed any accessories.  The 5K and the 10K used the same starting line, so we all headed together towards the back.  Hubby in my 10K bib and me in his 5K as I was unsure how Hammie would behave and feel.  We were off, we walked to the starting line, slow going as usual and then right after, went up hill.  We rounded a corner to a street that turned residential and continued on.

Right before Mile 1, on Military St. the 10K headed straight and the 5k participants made a right turn.  We already gave Daddy the go ahead after the starting line to head out after about 1/2 mile with us.  Right after the 1 Mile mark, someone became hot and needed her coat off.  This required unpinning the race bib that I pinned over the zipper. Note to self in future, if kids start off with a jacket, keep the bib pinned to the inside shirt, not the outer jacket.  I'm sure the stop would have been much quicker.

The rest of the run was great and through some beautiful neighborhoods.  Monkey even exclaimed that each 5K he does gets easier.   Pea asked me to do a 10K with her and we should have enough time to get her ready for the Solstice so we set a date!  The kids crossed the finish line within 2 seconds of each other, and I did 10 seconds later.  They were battling it to the end!  Our time was just over 38 minutes. (remember the coat stop)

Once we were done, we quickly walked up hill, again to the Mama Mobile and found her right where we left her.  She was happy and without any stickers or warnings so we all hopped in and found an awesome spot in a paid city lot.  I had to use my cell phone to call and pay for the meter, need some change in the new truck, but we were parked.  We got into the cooler and grabbed some food to go and see Daddy finish his first 10K!
First 10K, Finish time of 1:01.6!
Hubby did great!  He laughed as the announcer said my name when he crossed, good thing 2 women were right by him.  (For the record, I asked if we could switch bibs at the Expo and were told we could)  We relaxed for a bit by the finish and had our snacks.
Now, we had over 2 hours to kill till the Kids Martian Marathon.  You see, they had to run and document 25 miles before April 14th and then run the last 1.2 miles at the race to get a REAL Martian Marathon Medal!  We walked, BOUGHT and paid for a Giant 8' Mama Martian, went to Starbucks, and hung out in the truck for a good 45 minutes during a downpour.  Those poor marathoners and half marathoners out there in the rain!

Around 11:40 it was still raining a bit so we put the kids North Face rain jackets on them with the plastic ponchos over them, grabbed our umbrellas and headed to the start area.  They were grouping the kids, all 1,500 of them, by grade.  For ease, I had 2 second graders today.  The rain slowed enough so we took off their ponchos and left the jackets on them.  The crowd was crazy, well with 1,500 kids, parents and siblings in one area it was to be expected.  We talked about letting the kids run it themselves, but after seeing the crowd and having no idea where they were going, I decided to run it with them.

Our wave was announced and we were off through the covered bridge, really small but it was cute!  We Squeezed through that then there was a quick left onto some grass covered with hay to try and reduce the mud.  Ok, not what I had pictured.  Assumed the kids would be in a subdivision or something (I brought the map with me but tossed it before I got a chance to study it)  We were in a park - yea, must be Ford Field Park!  We looped around the park, around the flags, up a hill, down a  hill, though a muddy trail and then out towards the main finish line.  Daddy was waiting for us and the kids got their medals!  They were so proud to wear them!

It was a great day and we plan on coming back next year! 

Monday, April 16, 2012


Hammy is improving. It feels more tight now than anything. Gave it a good stretch after the Martian this weekend, and it has continued to feel good. I have a massage with a sports therapist this evening, so looking forward to seeing if she can get it completely worked out for me.

Martian was great. I will do a race recap on the 5k and kids marathon later today, or tomorrow, as well as get my training plan together. Right now, 40 minutes is on the schedule for tomorrow.

Have a great Monday everyone!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Factual Friday

1) The 2012 Martian Marathon Expo had A LOT of Martians!  

They each represented a mile marker...
They hung from the rafters...
They were even passengers in cars!

2) I did not buy anything at the expo.  Shocking, yes!  Probably could have got a better deal on Muzuno at Hansons (not sure, but hedging my bets).  They did have a cool vest, but that is a fall, winter item.  Mama needs summer running stuff!

3) GM has awesome technology in their new vehicles!  Just picked up a new Mama Mobile last night and amazed I can lock, unlock and start from my iPhone and use my blue tooth to do voice dialing through my iPhone!  Not to mention, the vehicle is gorgeous!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Time or Distance

Since I've been resting, I have been reflecting on my training log dreaming about running again. Haha, seriously I have been looking at the data and for a while there I was running according to time instead of distance.

Most all training schedules are in miles, not time. There are a few exceptions, like Jeff Galloway, though. I just transitioned my training over to the Team in Training plan, which is in miles. But is one way better than the other, or is it just personal preference?

Looking at my log, I seemed to enjoy the runs more not having to focus on a distance. When 4 miles is on the schedule, for example, I know I push myself to get that 4 miles done. Some days, that may not be what I need.

When 40 minutes is on the schedule, I find I don't concentrate on pace that much but just enjoy the run more. One day 40 minutes could mean 4.25 miles and another day it could mean 3.8 miles. Time allows my body to run based on how it is performing that day.

Performance, by using a set time, might be a better indicator of improvement. Perhaps a more natural indicator, instead of mentally always pushing my body to get the miles done quickly and on with life.

When I kept to the time during the week and the longer distances on the weekends I noticed also no injuries. As a fairly new runner, I am dealing with my second injury now. Both injuries were a result of speed.

After all this analysis and review, I'm not nearly ready to work on speed. I have found training during the week for time will help me meet my goals in a way that is more natural for my body and abilities. So, when I am back to training, time running during the week, and distance on weekends.

As far as races go, I need to slowly and steadily build up my base to accomplish my goals. If a PR happens, great, but I'm racing this year for fun, to get the distances down and the cool bling.

Do you train using time or distance goals?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Official Announcement

Let it be documented that I will NOT run this week! I will rest and let my hamstring heal properly and not push myself. It hurts, it still hurts, and it is achy. With all of my goals, taking one week off for healing is not going to affect those goals from happening.

If I do not let my hammy property heal, then my long term goals will be affected. So, listen up self! No running this week, no pretending you are not running because you are going slow! Rest and heal!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Recap Week#5 and Plan #6

A friend posted a FB message about how she injured her hamstring and he doctor asked what she changed.  Apparently, she started stretching before running.  Her doctor said he never stretches, she stopped and injury went away...  Made me think.  Have I done anything differently?

Realized it last night.  Two weeks ago I was showing my trainer how I stretched my hamstrings each morning right when I got up.  She suggested a new method.. I have been slacking off and not stretching every morning like I have for years the past two weeks... left hamstring is acting up... HMM?  Think that might be why, lol  Still pain, but can run slow at least ;)

None the less, I got a new foam roller to assist.  For those of you who do not foam roll, I highly recommend it.  Before we just had the normal, hard, black rollers.  I got my first one from Target.  A while back, when we drove across town to get some blow up martians for the kids, Running Fit had an awesome looking RumbleRoller (TM).  We did not get it at the time, but with this hammie issue thought it might be time.  I drove across town on Friday to get it for a deeper massage to see if it would help work my hammie out.

When I bought it, the lady told me I can not return it if it leaves bruises.  The paperwork it came with also had one of those separate (afterthought) papers warning of bruises as well.  Haha, I was kind of scared to use it but I LOVE it!  I can't do my IT bands with it yet, but can handle rolling out everything else and I just love it!

(The one on the left is my Gaiam roller from Target, compared to my new RumbleRoller (TM) from Running Fit)

I also discovered that I can roll out my neck simply by laying on it and positioning under my neck and simply, slowly, turning my head from one side to the other.  It does a great job all around and I highly recommend it as part of your running regimen. (I did this review on my own and was not compensated or asked by Gaiam or RumbleRoller (TM) to review the products)

Now, onto the boring stuff :)

Week#5 Recap:
Sunday - Clean, amazed how many calories I burned!
Monday - 2 Miles, Done (8:58) and got Hammie stretched out at Chiropractor
Tuesday - 4 miles, Done (9:59)
Wednesday - 2 miles, Done (11:05)
Thursday - 4 miles - Nope, lots of pain again in left hammie
Friday - rest
Saturday - 9 miles, Nope, still pain but did do 3 nice and slow with Hubby and Kids on Bikes (10:55)

Week#6 Plan:
Sunday - Easter!  Ran 4 miles then ice and roll out, Done (10:16)
Monday - Rest and Chiropractor
Tuesday - 3 Miles
Wednesday - 2 miles
Thursday - 3 Miles
Friday - rest
Saturday - Martian 10K

Have a Blessed Easter!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thankful "Three Things" Thursday

Paid Holidays

Natures Candy - Today is the day I vowed to start cutting sugar out of my diet - like no more giant spoonfuls of the stuff directly into my mouth coffee cup each chance I get. 

When I get stressed, I want the sweet stuff. 

Granted, I am really limited on what I can eat due to all of my allergies, but there are still evil things lurking out there.  Being a runner and somewhat of a healthy food freak, I realize this sugar habit that has started this week needs to go bye, bye really fast as to not affect my performance.  So, it starts today - I am thankful for Natures Candy - nice, sweet raisins.  Yea, ok you can still say I will get 29g of sugar in each box, but, baby steps here, especially after the meeting I just had.

Family - Thankful for everyone pitching in (Nana & Papa) for watching Pea and Monkey while they are off this spring break and for Hubby getting them going in the morning so I can get to work to have so much fun!

What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's All About the Magic!

When we were at Disney World in October, 2010 I remember one of the kids asking a question about why something happened the way it did at Disney.  A cast member, who happened to be within ear shot, stepped in and answered "It's all about the Magic!"  We use that phrase quite often around our house and on every Disney trip at least a few times since then.

Well, today, my friends it was all about the Magic!  It is no secret that I LOVE DISNEY!  I have no clue how many times I have been to Disney World - probably at least 15, Disneyland Paris once and we are going to Disneyland for the first time Labor Day Weekend so I can get my Coast 2 Coast Medal and run the Disneyland Half Marathon.  I kinda love Disney even more since I started running and completed the Princess Half Marathon.   All I wanted to do during that race was get a picture with Louis!

So Magical, LOL.  Disney + Running = Awesome, Magical time in my book! My next big, to do, was to get into the 2013 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend and register for the Goofy!  (More on Goofy Later)  Mind you, I have already used our DVC points to book Animal Kingdom Lodge for the weekend of the races.

Registration is opening at Noon, EST on April 10, 2012.  I have a note in my running log, my iPhone calendar is all set with an alert 30 minutes ahead of time, and I asked the people at RunDisney to send me an email when it is time.  Needless to say, I have been kind of worried about this race selling out since it is the 20th anniversary...

SOOO, Imagine my surprise today when I was casually checking my email on my iPhone and saw this!
View this email with images | Add us to your address book
Disney Logo
Exclusive Cardmember Savings with Early Registration
Ready, set, save!
Register early for the 20th anniversary, 2013 Walt Disney World(R) Marathon Weekend presented by Cigna and get special savings for early registration plus additional savings for being a Cardmember
Register Now
Save $15 off early registration price Cardmember price $135 on the Walt Disney World MarathonSave $15 off early registration price Cardmember price $135 on the Walt Disney World Half MarathonSave $30 off early registration price Cardmember price $290 on Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge
Join us for a marathon celebration 20 years in the making! You'll run across magical Disney touches at every mile, including a spectacular surprise at mile 20. And, we're creating a brand-new Mickey Mouse finisher medal you'll cherish forever.

Marathon runners will follow a 26.2-mile course that takes you through all four Walt Disney World® Theme Parks, including:
Magic Kingdom(R) Park, Disney's Animal Kingdom(R) Theme Park, Disney's Hollywood Studios(R), Epcot(R)
In addition to the Walt Disney World® Marathon, you can get your feet moving in the Half Marathon and Goofy Challenge.

With savings and races filled with this much Disney magic, you'd be Goofy to miss it!

Learn more about the Walt Disney World® Marathon Weekend events.
Hurry before this offer crosses the finish line! Use your Disney's Visa Card to take advantage of this offer by June 19, 2012
Register Now
See details below. The Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend is January 10-13, 2013
Disney Visa Card

SM, © Disney

Really, was this serious!  I knew as a Visa card member I would get a discount, but to register today... Right now!!!! WOW!

So, register I did!  Here is a link, if you are so inclined as well

No guarantees if it will work for you, but thought I would get it out there, as I'm sure it may just make your day magical too!

Now, I can proudly add 2013 Goofy Challenge to my race schedule!  For those of you who do not know what a Goofy Challenge is, it is a half marathon on Saturday and a full marathon on Sunday.  That is right, 39.3miles in one weekend!  Now, I know it won't be easy and I'm not planning on any PR's only magical memories and hoping some good friends join me in the challenge!

Thank you Disney for making my day!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week#4 Recap and Week#5 Plan

Well, my left hamstring was still feeling funky so I decided I needed some time off this past week. 

Week#4 summary
Sunday - 2 miles & personal trainer appt. - Done, 2 miles, 9:14 min/mile
Monday - Rest, yes, rest I did!
Tuesday - 5 miles, Done, 10:11 min/mile
Wednesday - 2 miles - Nope, wanted to rest and actually got hung up at skateboard shop for an hour and a half, lol
Thursday - 4 miles - Nope, wanted to rest and crazy afternoon with tons of appointments.
Friday - rest, rest away!
Saturday - 8 miles - Done, 10:20 and you can read it here Awesome Saturday 8am 8 Miler

I had an awesome day yesterday.  Worked my butt off cleaning and organizing the house, long boarded with the kids, had a BBQ with my parents and relaxed after.  I burned 2,800 calories according to my BodyMedia - WOW, I usually only do that when I run long distances.  I was really moving!

Had an awesome time long boarding with the kids while they skateboarded.  Pea was getting really frustrated though, so I put her on my long board and pushed her along while I taught her how to balance so she can understand how to turn.  After my quick lesson, she did much better and started having fun.

Looking back, I need to start taking a lot more pictures for the blog.  That will be my goal this week ;)

Looking ahead, my left hammie is still bothering me but going to the Chiro tonight after work and hoping that will help.  So, here is the plan:

Week#5 Plan:
Sunday - Clean
Monday - 2 Miles
Tuesday - 4 miles
Wednesday - 2 miles
Thursday - 4 miles
Friday - rest
Saturday - 9 miles

Have a great week everyone, set your goals!  Is there anything else I can do different to make this blog more interesting?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Awesome Saturday am 8 Miler

I took most of the week off this week since my 5 mile run on Tuesday.  Just feeling funky and could tell my body needed a bit of a break.  Went on a beautiful, 8 mile trail run this morning with 2 awesome women, one of who happens to be my chiropractor.

Did great, but around mile 6.5 my left hamstring, hip area really started in on me again.  I did something to it during the Shamrock.  Well, we finished up and my Chiro happened to have her portable table in her truck, fixed me up, right there in the parking lot!  So thankful she did so I do not have to spend the rest of the day in pain, but what a sight that must have been, lol.  It's all good and blessed with some wonderful friends!

Have a great day.  What are your running plans for the weekend?  I'm going to get in 2 tomorrow, hopefully with hubby.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week#3 Recap, Week #4 Plan and Bill Roney Memorial 5K Review!

It was a great week!  Hope your's was awesome too!
Week#3 Recap:
Monday - Rest and Core - rested I did but no core

Tuesday - 40 minutes - Done 3.72 miles with 10:45 pace
Wednesday - 20 minutes - Done 2.04 miles with 9:49 pace
Thursday - 40 minutes - Done 4.15 miles with 9:37 pace
 Friday - Rest and Core - Rested done but no core, did go to an awesome CAbi party!  Love the clothes and can not wait for mine to arrive!
Saturday - 5k race with kids, and 8 miles on Saturday or Sunday - Done 7 miles in 1:09 with 9:58 pace.  Got invited to run with two awesome women and had a great run. Got our butts out of bed and met at 7am to conquer a hilly path with some beautiful views.  So thankful the rain held off for our run and blessed to have such wonderful company!

5K with kids - Bill Roney Memorial 5K

Finished my run with the ladies and headed home to some scrambled eggs and drank 2 Nespresso pods of coffee while I got everyone's race apparel and Hanson's Yellow Team shirts ready!  Once we all ate and were ready, we headed out to Fitzgerald Elementary in Utica.  Wow, such a nice, organized race.  We were running pretty late, but that did not seem to effect us much at all. Got the bibs, timing chips and 4 size Medium shirts, lol. Since we were late, that is all they had left - a bit too big for me, a bit too small for hubby (although I do need to have him try one as they do look large and are nice quality Brooks shirts).  

We got ourselves ready and Hubby headed to the start of the runners while the kids and I lingered in the back.  No need to have anyone weave around us, although, I must say my kids did some weaving themselves.  We were off!  One thing I must say is it was very hard to hear at this race, hard to hear the starting announcements and hard to hear the raffle drawing - but no biggie!

We ran and then took some walk breaks throughout the race and the kids did awesome!  For me, it was a nice chance to stretch my muscles after the hills this am and at this pace, a walk in the park, lol. We rounded the last corner and Daddy was waiting for us, Pea and I took off (she is very competitive lol and saves up her speed for the end of the races) towards the finish line and Daddy ran Monkey to the line.  It was so sweet that Hansons gave all the 5K kids finisher medals!  You can see one of ours in the picture below with the nice shirts we got!  If anyone wants a medium from this race, just let me know - 3 are up for grabs!

They ROCKED Roney for a 5K and their ages!
Pea 37:28.3 (12:07 pace)
Me with Pea ;) 37:28.8

Monkey 37.32.4 
Hubby PRd Bigtime for just starting running!  26:43.7!  (8:37 pace)

I hardly slept last night and had to wake up at 6 to get my miles in this am, so I tried to nap this afternoon. It really didn't seem to work so I decided to get up and make myself some pasta.

1 Bag Organic, Whole Wheat Pasta - cook according to package
1 Organic Onion
Box of Organic Baby Bella Mushrooms
1 Tbsp Butter 
1 Tbsp Olive Oil

Then, when it is almost finished, deglaze the pan a bit with some good white wine and then add to drained pasta, add some extra EVOO and serve!

Sooo yummy! Pour yourself some of that good, white wine you used and enjoy!

Plan for Week #4 - You will notice I'm switching back to miles to align my training with the TnT weekend schedule I got for the Bayshore and my full schedule for Chicago.
Sunday - 2 miles & personal trainer appt.
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 5 miles
Wednesday - 2 miles
Thursday - 4 miles
Friday - rest
Saturday - 8 miles

Notice I gave up on planning the core workouts, lol :)

How was your weekend?

Friday, March 23, 2012

Wow it has already been a year!

A year ago I was told my entire diet had to change. No more processed foods, no more veggies that I loved and much more.

As I look back, I am amazed at the turn around I have made and how much healthier I am! I can run long distances, I have tons of energy and I eat better than I ever have in my entire life. Sure, it was hard at first, but it has turned into a blessing.

Granted I wish I could eliminate the fact my throat could close up if I eat something I'm allergic to and I wish I could eat all veggies, fruits, nuts and beans, but I don't miss my old way of eating at all. No longing or desire to eat some Doritos or a huge sundae.

All in all, something that was negative has turned out to be a positive in more ways than one.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Bad Run???

Just got back from a run.  It was hot, I felt like my legs were bricks, my ankles hurt, my calves were tight, my hips were sore and it was hard to move.  I glanced at my Garmin and at times it was 11 minute miles showing up... WHAT??

Now, I could say it was a bad run due to all of the above... but:
Did I get my time goal of 40 minutes in??? YES
Was I hurt or just sore?  Sore
Did running help stretch my muscles and help me improve? Yes

I was getting kind of bummed during the run, but I started to enjoy the scenery and realized that I had only one goal in front of me today - to run 40 minutes.  I got a chance to be outside, get my body used to the heat that will be coming in the summer and also to take some time to enjoy looking at all the new plants and buds that are springing up around us.  It did not matter at all that I was not running fast, or I would not cover 4.26 miles, like I did last time.  It mattered, that even though I found the run hard, I kept at it and I accomplished my goal.

So many times in life things are hard and we quit.  I know if it was me a year ago, I would have quit right off the bat.  But now, no.  I have grown to love running and realize that even though it is not always perfect and we are not always feeling great every time out there, there are so many benefits to accomplishing the goal set in front of you.  I am happy for the run that I had and thankful God has given me a healthy body to be able to run.  40 minutes is completed and I can check off my calendar tomorrow at work with 3.72 miles instead of nothing.  I'm happy for that and thankful!

I will leave you with this thought, saw it on FB this week and got a laugh!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week#2 Recap and Week#3 Plan

Well week 2 went off pretty much as planned. Didn't get as many miles in on Saturday, but 4 was enough seeing how I was still really sore from training on Thursday and I wanted to be fresh for my 10k yesterday so all worked out well!

Recap Week#2
Monday - 40 min = 3.64 miles and massage
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - 40 min = 4.26 miles
Thursday - 20 minutes = 1.83 miles and training session
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 4 miles in around 44 minutes with kids on scooters
Sunday - 10k in 55:29.9

Great week overall and feel good! Looking forward to this week!

Week#3 Plan is:
Monday - Rest and Core
Tuesday - 40 minutes
Wednesday - 20 minutes
Thursday - 40 minutes
Friday - Rest and Core
Saturday - 5k race with kids, and 8 miles on Saturday or Sunday

Adding in some core work this week using my bosu ball with crunches, alternating super mans and a few other moves for my core and back.

What are your goals for this week?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

ShamRock n' Roll 10K

Wow, talk about an awesome race!  We left the house at 6 and made it to downtown Plymouth right around 7am.  Parking was easy, finding Kellogg Park was easy to find and packet pickup was quick!
Right after Pea wanted to enter the costume contest.  It is rumored that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, well, there was one left!

After that I took a quick walk to the truck to get us all muffins, and took a final bathroom break before getting in place for the 10K.  Coach Ken found us right away too, and it was nice to chat for a minute as he commented on my Hanson's Yellow Team jersey - my first race in it.  Then, I was off!  Hubby, Monkey and Pea (Snake) were all waiting just a bit longer to do the one mile.

Wow, this was an awesome race, not too crowded either.  I positioned myself somewhat in the front, but not too close, so I would not have to do any weaving around and took off.  We ran thru lots of subdivisions and had tons of people cheering us on!
Nice, wide streets to run on too!  I sure felt I was taking off way too fast.  My Garmin kept reporting my instant pace numbers below 9 minutes/mile.  But, I felt fine.  I was worried about burning out towards the end, but as the race progressed, I kept the pace and still felt fine!  

The run went by pretty quick and I stayed in a pack of the same people.  This one poor guy was dressed in shamrock tights and a wig.  Before mile 1 he was pulled over the side getting the tights off and just wearing his shorts.  I imagine the tights must have been women's and did not fit him that well, lol.  It was a great crowd and very up beat!

Look at my splits!  Almost negative! Mileage was off a bit so not sure what was up with that...better that it is more I guess but my time was right on almost with the chip time, any thoughts anyone?
Before I knew it, we were passing mile marker 5!  It seemed to get harder from this point on, lol.  Perhaps because I was pushing myself as I knew I could give it my all for one lousy mile!  Right after mile marker 6, I saw Coach Ken - He asked how I was doing and I told him I think 13 minute miles or so, lol.  When I first started with Team in Training end of 2009/Early 2010 my goal pace was 12 minutes/mile!  Wow, no more!  He ran with me for a bit and then when I left him he shouted to "Push it!" and push it I did!  

I started to come into the area right before the finish line, the sides of the roads were lined with crowds and I heard "Go Mama!"  I knew my family was there watching me even though I was way to focused to finish and not fall flat on my face, I really gave this race my all and am so proud to say I beat my goal of 1 hour!  New PR!

 NEW PR OF 55:29.9, 8:57/M

After I got my well deserved bling, I met up with the family! We walked back to the truck (I hobbled, seems some kind of pinched nerve in my butt or behind my knee - icing behind my knee now as I type) to get some food and then walked in a store or two.

Pea was anxious with the time as the costume contest winners were going to be announced at 9:45 am.  We headed to the stage and sure enough!!!  


I am so proud of her!  She was a bit shy at first with all the attention she got, but then started to warm up and be excited!  It was totally her idea to wear her Cobra costume for this event and she even slithered one mile in it!

Such an awesome event, well worth the early wake up time and so well organized from start to finish!  We will be back!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Please help me find a Cure!

Until there is a cure, there is no finish line.

As many of you are aware, I ran my first Half Marathon with Team in Training. As I now prepare for a full Marathon, I thought it was only fitting that I participate once again, with Team in Training to race for a cure.

I already had a spot for Chicago, I got lucky with that one.  Yesterday, though, I saw a Facebook message from TnT announcing the fall line up.  I have been so excited about my first marathon, and I saw Chicago was on the TnT list as well.  My first Half, the Flying Pig in 2010, was such a special event to me.  Largely, because of Team in Training and the support my family and I received.  I have made so many wonderful friends, and continue to train with the team most Saturday mornings.

Even though I already had a spot, I kinda wondered to myself if I could still be part of TnT for this event and raise $$$ for a cure.  I sent a private FB message to the coordinator asking if I could participate, but not take a spot from someone who didn't have one for Chicago.  Minutes later she called me.  "Of course you can participate with the Team," was her response.  I was so excited!  This will make my first marathon, and the journey to it, all that more special!

I will be running in Chicago, on October 7, 2012, in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon – that is right, I’m committing to 26.2 miles for a CURE!

The support my family and I have received from TnT has been priceless as we navigate my mother's diagnosis of Follicular Lymphoma. The least I can do is continue to RUN for a cure. I’m asking you to partner with me in this endeavor by making a donation to my fundraising campaign using the link on the side of my blog.

Thank you for every one's support!  I am really looking forward to taking this journey, once again, with Team in Training in hopes of making a small difference in someones life!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


The most important meal of the day! It gets your body going after a rest and gives it the energy to get through the morning. I typically stick to similar foods and rotate things when I need a change up.

My latest favorite meal is pictured below. Organic instant oats, a few scoops of Choibani plain yogurt and a drizzle of honey on top. I usually sprinkle some cinnamon on too but don't keep that at work. It is so good and healthy to boot!

You can also mix in berries and fruits to oatmeal, drizzle some maple syrup, add in some granola, etc. Don't get sucked into buying the flavored packets though, they usually have way too much sugar and who wants to eat dried fruit when you can have fresh!
Btw, I made that at work.

Like the nice bowl?? I keep a nice plate and bowl at my desk to eat my food off of. I need to bring in some silverware too if I can remember.

Other things I love for breakfast are: homemade muffins, eggs (love sunny side up over oatmeal) plain yogurt with fruit, eggs with filet and hash browns (treat after a long weekend run)

The biggest thing I found to help me eat a healty breakfast is to have a few choices of items I can mix and rotate in the fridge and pantry at all times. I can then just throw them into my lunch bag for the day and have a nice breakfast at work while I get caught up on my emails. Planning ahead is the biggest challenge, but after a while it just becomes second nature.

What healthy breakfast foods do you like?