Yum! Life is good! I shared my marathon announcement with my Facebook friends and family, I ran 2 pain free miles and Im now having a yummy dinner of organic, grass-fed, filet smothered in Italian Gorgonzola cheese and LOTS of roasted garlic with a size of zucchini and onions! Red wine would complete the meal, but not on Friday night as I need to get some miles in tomorrow am before the Disney Princess Half Marathon!
Back to my run! I was so excited to be able to do any distance pain free and I only had 2 on the schedule today due to both my (now previous) foot injury and my long run tomorrow. It is amazing how mental running is, I swear 95% is mental. I love how I can play games when I run controlling both my mind and my breathing, how a different thought to breathe differently can make the run that much more enjoyable. I don't like how an injury can make you scared to run, even if all signs point to a recovery, until you accomplish a pain free run there is always the worry.
I'm really looking forward to my run as an Alumni with TnT tomorrow am now that my mental block is removed. How many miles will I do? I don't know, would like to do at least 8 but we will see. It is snowing really good now and we have a packed day tomorrow so we will see. But, the mental block is gone and I could not be happier!
What do you think the hardest part of distance running is?
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