Last night was a breakthru for me! It was the first time I actually ate out since my recent diagnosis. Our good friends invited us to their club for dinner. I ate a snack ahead of time and packed my Chobani but when I got there, the menu seemed wonderful and it might just be the place to try eating out again. The menu even had a little blurb about notifying them of allergies and it was not crowded at all!
I had my choices narrowed down to the Ahi Tuna or the Filet. Both had pro's and con's. Ahi may be frozen and there is a small chance I might have a reaction to the filet due to citric acid. But, the filet sounded soooo good and I have never had a reaction in the past to meat, etc. So, with my system clear after all of my careful eating I decided to order the filet. I figured if I was to have a reaction, at least I would know it right away as I have been feeling really good lately.
Two glasses of a nice, quality red wine and a filet later NO ISSUES, none at night, none in the AM. YAHOO! Now, if I stick to high end steak or seafood places and get something grilled with NOTHING on it or touching it I can try to eat out again. Of course in moderation here, but geeze, even if I could go 2x a month that would be wonderful.
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